This document is part of a series about Randall "Duke" Cunningham's attempted murder / suicide on November 25th, 2005

Home page for "Cunningham's Last Battle" web site / Contact the author / victim / witness Russell 'Ace' Hoffman

May 11th, 2007

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter on Senator Barbara Boxer's stationary dated April 23, 2007.

However, you made the statement that this matter "falls under the jurisdiction of the state of California."  I do not believe there is any reason to believe this is correct.

First of all, this matter concerns public corruption on the part of the San Diego Sheriff's Department, which not only would be a Federal matter, but according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's own web site, is the HIGHEST PRIORITY of that organization.

Second, my letter concerns the allegation that the person being given preferential treatment in this case was a Congressman at the time of the incident.  And I have yet to find ANYONE who is big enough to take on even a former, disgraced, and jailed Congressperson.  Every government employee involved, BELOW the level of Senator has ALREADY wronged my wife and I in this matter, from attempted murder to libel, slander, intimidation, conspiracy, fraud, and refusal to perform their sworn duties.

Third, my "hunch" that the apparent "loss" of the record involved in my previous correspondence is the result of some sort of National Security Letter is not unreasonable.  If that "hunch" is correct, then California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner will be UNABLE TO RELEASE THE TRUTH to me, thwarting my effort to get the record, or to get the truth about how it was "lost."

Fourth, if an NSL is involved, it's a good bet its use was both illegal and immoral (not that there should be any difference between the two, but we've learned that there is).

Fifth, as the probable / potential victims of an improper NSL, my wife and I have NO WAY of ascertaining that that is the real roadblock.  The misuse of NSLs and the inability of individuals to even know that they are being investigated via NSLs will have to be fixed in the federal legislature.

It is unreasonable to believe that this record was "lost" (as described by my insurance company in a phone call last month) at all.  I'm certain it was either STOLEN or INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED, and there's a big difference between either of those and "lost" (although all three are highly illegal).  Because we are talking about a vital record in a matter which UNDOUBTEDLY involves a Congressional Representative, AND the Capital Psychiatrist, AND the violation of numerous federal laws, AND the violation of two citizens' civil rights, these are all yet more reasons this matter needs to be resolved at the highest FEDERAL level, and CAN NOT, HAS NOT, and WILL NOT be resolved at ANY OTHER LEVEL.

I therefore again ask for Senator Boxer's help in finding the record described in my previous letter.


Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA